Coupons & Vouchers

Coupons give discounts on a single product or a set of products by % or $. When offering a coupon, your product will have a small orange voucher badge, which can help increase visibility.


To be eligible for vouchers, you must be a Professional seller with at least a 3.5 Seller Rating. Products must meet the following criteria:

  • Must average at least a 2.5-star rating on Amazon for products with 1–4 reviews

  • Must average at least a 3-star rating on Amazon for products with 5+ reviews

  • Products with 0 reviews are eligible

  • Can be Seller-Fulfilled, Fulfilled by Amazon or Seller-Fulfilled Prime

  • Must be in new condition


  1. Go to Advertising, and then select Coupons or Vouchers.

  2. Click Create a new coupon/ voucher on the dashboard.

  3. Using the menu on the left hand side, search for the products you want to add to the voucher and click Add to coupon/voucher. The products you added to your voucher will move to the right-hand side of the screen.

Set a budget for your coupon. For details, see How do coupon budgets work? Click Continue to next step.

Select a title, start date and end date for your coupon. You can also choose to target your coupon to a customer segment from this step. For details, see How does coupon targeting work? Click Continue to next step.

Review your coupon and click Submit coupon.

Last updated