Update product listings with Brand Registry Support

For brand registered sellers: To update a product listing when edits via Seller Central or Flat File does not work.


This is the guide to fix listing issues those who have registered their brand with Amazon Brand Registry including

  1. Remove child listing from existing parent

  2. Add child to correct parent

  3. Fix incorrect product information

  4. Merge two listings

Basic steps to open a case with Brand Registry


  1. Login to Amazon Brand Registry

  2. Use the follow templates to draft a message for the Brand Registry

A. Remove a child listing from their existing parent [Incorrect Listing Variation]

"Brand: [Registered Brand Name]. Child ASIN [BXXXXXXXXX] is not a valid variation of Parent ASIN [BXXXXXXXXX]. Please remove the child ASIN from the Parent listing"

B. Add a child listing to the correct parent [Incorrect Listing Variation]

C. Fix incorrect information of the current product listing [Incorrect Information on Detail Page]

"Brand: [Registered Brand Name]. Child ASIN [BXXXXXXXXX] has incorrect information for the field [Incorrect Field]. The incorrect information is [Incorrect Info] and the correct information is [Correct Info]. Please correct the information for this ASIN [BXXXXXXXXX]"

You will also need to fill in the required fields in the case request as follows:

  • ASIN of the product

  • Incorrect information

  • Correct information

D. Merge two listings into one ASIN [Other Listing Issue]

"Brand: [Registered Brand Name]. Please merge ASIN [BXXXXXXXXX] into target ASIN [BXXXXXXXXX] with the Color_Name [Same Color Name]/ Size_Name [Same Size Name]. These are the same product and should be merged under the target ASIN."

Make to sure to follow up on the case if the listing hasn't been fixed. You can either create a new case with the same message or reopen the case if Brand Registry Depart confirms that the issue has been resolved.

Last updated