Vine Reviews

Vine is a great way to get reviews for new products or ASINs with less than 30 reviews by providing free products to Amazon approved reviewers

What is Vine?

VINE allows you to send up to 30 units of an ASIN for free to Amazon approved reviewers to get more reviews. VINE reviewers tend to leave high-quality reviews but will be honest if the product does not meet expectations.


  1. Be brand registered in Amazon Brand Registry.

  2. Have fewer than 30 reviews on the product detail page.

  3. Have an FBA offer with available stock

  4. Not be an 'adult' product

You can only have up to 5 ASINs enrolled in Vine in any 90 day period, and Amazon don't force people to leave reviews (so you may get around 20-25 reviews from 30 units).

How to Enrol

You can access Vine in Seller Central (Advertising > Amazon Vine)

  1. Enter an ASIN in the text box and click Begin enrollment.

  2. Enter the number of units you are enrolling

  3. Click Enroll.

  4. Accept the Terms and Conditions of the program.

  5. Click Enroll to complete the enrollment.

If you are enrolling a product with variations, chose "All product variations in stock are available to reviewers." This allows reviewers to select their favorite variation, increasing your chances of great reviews.

Cancel an enrollment

Access your Vine dashboard in Seller Central then click the details button.

Click Cancel or Stop.

Stopping the enrollment will ensure no additional unit will be claimed by Vine Reviewers but it does not guarantee reviews will not be published.

Last updated