Amazon Business (B2B Sales)

Millions of sales on Amazon each year are to business customers. Enrolling in the Amazon Business marketplace takes less than 2 minutes and can help you reach a huge and growing market

What are the benefits?

You can reach new business customers by providing features required by small & large businesses:

  • Automatically produce VAT invoices for all Amazon orders

  • Display VAT-exclusive pricing to business customers (and only pay referral fees on the VAT exlcuisve price)

  • Offer multi-quantity discounts and business-only pricing to encourage larger orders

  • Increased visibility in search for business customers

How to join

It is very quick to enrol - just navigate to Settings > Account Settings > Manage (under the Your Services box) or follow this link:

UK Services / USA Services

On the "My Services" enrollment page select "Enroll in Amazon Business"

Other features

  • Visit our VAT on Amazon guide to enable automatic VAT invoicing

  • Edit your business-only prices and add quantity discounts on your Manage Inventory page under the "Business Price" column

Last updated