Sign up for Brand Registry

Information required

  • Your Name, address, and Amazon seller account email address

  • Brand Name (must match your trademark)

  • Registered Trademark Serial Number

  • Country of trademark office

  • Images of your Brand logo

  • Images of products or packaging with your brand logo

  • Product categories to register

  • List of manufacturing countries


1: Set up your brand services account

Go to Click on Get Started > Enroll Now.

Log in using your Amazon Seller admin account. You may need to create a new account, but use the same email address as your Amazon seller account.

*Note: You will need to register separately for North America and Europe

2: Enroll a new brand

Once you've opened an account, click "enroll a new brand" on the dashboard

3: Input brand information

Enter your brand name. Make sure it matches EXACTLY what is on your registered trademark.

4: Input trademark information

Provide your trademark information which includes the Trademark Type, Mark Name, Trademark Serial Number, and Country of Trademark Office.

If you can’t find your Trademark type or number, and filed your Trademark in the US you can use the US Government’s online TESS tool to search for your Trademark information.

UK trademarks can be searched on the IPO site here.

Choose word mark or figurative mark to match what your trademark is.

If you have a figurative trademark, the image must say the brand name you are registering and no other words or letters

5: Additional business information

If your products don’t have a unique identifier, you WILL be able to complete your brand registration, but you will NOT be able to list products as a Seller unless you complete a GTIN Exemption Request.

Select the categories for your product.

Enter your brand website and relationship to Amazon.

Submit manufacturing & distribution information and product images.

6: Trademark Confirmation

After your application is processed (can take up to 2 weeks), Amazon will send an email informing you that they have sent a confirmation code to the email address associated with the registered trademark (usually the registrant or law firm which filed your trademark).

You will need to get this code and send back to Amazon to confirm ownership of the trademark.

Once you send this verification code, Amazon will send you an email confirming that your brand registration has been approved and completed (2-3 days average turnaround time).

Last updated

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